Working at Sønderup
Whether you are at the beginning of your career as an audit trainee, on your way as a payroll consultant or an experienced auditor, you are a welcome candidate for Sønderup. Here, we offer a workplace with room for your individual ambitions. Sønderup sees continuing growth and development given our philosophy of offering an interesting workplace with challenges for each employee.
Sønderup is a flexible workplace that adapts to your individual needs. We trust our people with freedom with responsibility acknowledging that all people are different and prioritise differently. So regardless of where you are in your career, we find a solution that fits you.
"We have a workplace with people in the centre. And if you want to be a part of a team, we will find the right professional level for you, and work our way to develop together."
Christian Hjortshøj
Owner, Sønderup Revisorer I/S

Vahid Jusufi
Accountant, stud. HD (R)
What have you learned at Sønderup since you started?
In the beginning, I was trained in bookkeeping, VAT and general accounting, but the partners saw that I was developing quickly, and gave me a taste of auditing and advisory relatively early on. It's extremely flexible here – if I need extra time to study for an exam, we'll work it out, and I can always get mentoring and tasks that fit the development stage, I am at.
How is your education going?
I started as a trainee here and was then offered a 4-year Business Diploma degree by Sønderup. I now take these classes alongside my work, and I'm actually also doing a small office education on top of that. Ultimately, I dream of becoming a state authorised public accountant, so that I can help other people and companies with the biggest financial decisions.

Lotte Stragaard
Payroll Specialist
How has your development been in the company?
In the past I prepared payroll for many of our clients, but for the past few years I have acted as an implementation consultant, assisting and advising the clients in payroll system transitions. And it's really great to get the chance to do something other than what I started out doing.
Why would you like to work with advisory and payroll systems?
Development has always been important to me, and I have been warmly welcomed when I have presented my own ideas . For example, I study an Academy Diploma in human resources on the side, which I dream of incorporating in my work one day. I have only succeeded in doing this because I am allowed to arrange my tasks so that my studies fit in.

Sabrina Jensen
Auditor, HD (R)
What is your function?
I provide accounting and bookkeeping assistance for various companies. One of the things I like about my job is the versatility of working with various clients, and I like the personal aspect. Having contact with the clients enables me to have slightly closer connection with them.
How do you balance family life and work?
To make it all work out for me, we came up with a solution where I work 32 hours a week for a while and use the last hours of my maternity leave this way. It helps with the practical everyday life, we have as a family with small children. And it truly is a benefit that we enjoy general freedom with responsibility and room for flexibility, e.g. in relation to working from home.

Christian Berg Johannesen
Auditor, MSc Business Economics and Auditing
Why have you decided to study for state authorised public accountant?
I would like to have the responsibility, the challenges and the tasks that come with passing through the eye of the needle of becoming state authorised. But it's also something I've put off. I ended up deciding to go for it, because there are really good sparring opportunities here, for example through colleagues who are in the educational environment. Something that is not a given in an audit firm of our size.
What is your background?
I have 11 years of experience in auditing and have worked for 4 years at Sønderup. Before I started working here, I was involved in training and mentoring trainees, and I also do this here. I think it's important to pass something on. And the practical experience that I gained from my mentor, I'm passing on here by showing the young trainees confidence and giving them tasks that challenge them.