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Inspection Reports

Do you or your company need help with your controls and compliance?

We can help you improve processes, give you an overview and minimize the risk of errors.


Minimize errors using controls

We start by taking a closer look at your current workflows - we want to understand how they work in practice and identify areas for improvement.

During the entire process, we work closely with you and your company. Our goal is not only to deliver an effective solution, but also to ensure that the solution fits your needs and control objectives.

When our analysis is complete, we deliver a customized solution that can be used in your daily work and give you peace of mind about the quality. Depending on your needs and wishes, operation and maintenance of the solution can be fully handled by you, where we contribute with thorough specialist training and instructions. In this way, you become independent and avoid extra external expenses after handover.


"We have 4,500 employees for whom we run payroll, and since the majority of our payroll input comes via various integrations, we are very dependent on having a control sheet that shows us the elements in the payroll run that we have to make sure are correct.

We wanted to replace our current control sheet and had the following criteria:

  • It should be much more time-saving

  • We should have the opportunity to define the setup of the new control sheet ourselves with our own ideas

  • Since we both have/without a collective agreement, we should be able to carry out changes/corrections in the regulations ourselves

  • It should subsequently be possible for us to maintain the control sheet ourselves.

In collaboration with Sønderup I/S, we have now got a new control sheet, which we are very happy with and which meets all of these requirements."

- Hørdis Kragh, Payroll Lead, Rambøll

Case with Rambøll



Lessor is our cooperating partner, and we apply Lessor's systems for the day-to-day payroll processing. Lessor's payroll systems have been developed with a focus on flexibility, security and user-friendliness to ease the administrative routines in connection with payroll administration.


We cooperate with KMD A/S and apply their payroll systems for day-to-day payroll services for our clients. KMD A/S is among the largest IT and software businesses in Denmark, and with their payroll systems, we can gather all payroll and human resource assignments in one place with effective digital routines.

Our clients

Click the arrows to read what our clients say about their cooperation with us 


Payroll administration from 2008


Payroll administration from 2011


Payroll administration from 2014

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Payroll administration from 2018


Payroll administration from 2014

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Payroll administration from 2020

Contact us for a proposal for payroll services

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